Google Ads Transparency Center Scraper - Data to Excel

Scrape Google ads transparency center data; Scrape list of ads by advertiser, region, and more

You can search by the advertiser_id or by text

How many results do you want to scrape?

Looking for direct link for the media?

You can upload the Excel file you retrieved from this page to this page: Google Ads Transparency Center Media Link Scraper

How to use Google Ads Transparency Center Scraper?

Google Ads Transparency Center Scraper is a no-code tool to scrape Google ads transparency center search results into Excel file. Type in your query and optionally, fill out other available paremeters. You can download the search results in Excel format.

Is this tool free to use?

Yes, this tool is free to use. You can use it for unlimited times without any restrictions. You only need credits that you can get from SerpApi offers 100 free searches per month.

What type of data can I scrape?

Field NameDescription
advertiserName of the advertiser
ad_creative_idAd creative ID
formatAd format (text, image, or video)
imagelink to the image of the ad
first_shownFirst time the ad was shown
last_shownLast time the ad was shown
details_linkLink to the details of the ad
linkURL to the creative
target_domainDomain target of the creative